A Note From the Director
Children Are The Leaders of Tomorrow
Children will be faced with many new challenges and opportunities as they move into the future. As parents and educators we have a responsibility to offer the best possible foundation for our children to live a happy, successful and meaningful life.
Our school combines educational approaches and methodologies that focus on understanding the interconnectedness between self, others, and the environment in which we live.
Through this deeper understanding of our inner world of thoughts and feelings in connection with world around us, we are better suited to help create a harmonious community.
Tara Redwood students develop an awareness and appreciation in learning about cultural and religious diversity in the world. They grow to have acceptance of the similarities and differences therein. They do this, in part, by developing their knowledge of their place in the world.
Each child has his/her own unique personality and interests. It is our aim to provide a curriculum that inspires and nurtures the various needs of the children.

Educators at Tara, like our K-1st teacher Namasya, begin the day with circle and a personal intention. In this picture, students choose a color they are drawn to based on the CCC values, then drip the watercolor into the glass bowl mandala. Each student's personal intention is set for the outcome of the day.
Parent Participation & Engagement
Parent participation is a very important task that ultimately teaches students about sharing and the meaning of community. Tara Redwood School encourages participation from ALL our parents. Through parent participation, we teach children about positive interaction and the value of interdependence.
The school needs you to participate!
Several of our parents contribute monthly participation hours for a variety of school activities. Upon enrollment, a list of participation tasks for the school year will be listed as part of the tuition. Everyone can choose a field they are most talented in and check where they wish to contribute to the curriculum or school events.
Daily Life at Tara Redwood School
- Creative indoor and outdoor exploration and hands on activities nurture the joy for learning and increase intra/inter personal, physical and academic skills. Our program strives to create the most experiential learning opportunities and hands on learning.
- Montessori Academics are applied daily in mathematics, geography, cartography and ethnic studies.
- We believe that a combination of free playtime and collaborative games foster positive connections. We nurture the students to work together regardless of age differences rather than engaging in competitive games that can manifest in levels of peer pressure and anxiety to be better than others.
- Students explore their inner world and the world around them through multiple disciplines such as sciences, creative arts, math, language and play while utilizing reflection, critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity.Through inner exploration students connect with their deep wishes of what is most important to them, which connect them to their local and global communities through universal values.
- Responsible environmental practices.Tara Redwood School is also devoted to being a green school, we encourage our students to learn that all life is dependent upon the choices we make at a daily basis. Some of our environmentally focused electives include:
- The Growing Kindness Farm for the upper grades, which involves soil development, herbaslism, planting and harvesting of fruits and vegetables organically.
- Science Lab, all grades engage in organic gardening and studies of planting seedlings and plant care practices.
- Healthy lunches that are not sugar oriented and with minimally processed packaging are strongly encouraged. We teach our students how to make smaller carbon footprints by limiting a waste mentality and actively recycle.
- The Growing Kindness Farm for the upper grades, which involves soil development, herbaslism, planting and harvesting of fruits and vegetables organically.
- Responsible environmental practices.Tara Redwood School is also devoted to being a green school, we encourage our students to learn that all life is dependent upon the choices we make at a daily basis. Some of our environmentally focused electives include:
Our Values & Programs
Tara Redwood School has a program founded on these basic values:
1. Insight
To develop a deeper understanding of our unlimited potential awareness of the effects of our actions on oneself, others and the environment.
Insight to understand our emotions in order to exercise the freedom to make skillful, compassionate and helpful choices.
2. Authentic Speech
Speaking words that are helpful, kind, encouraging and complimentary.
Refraining from speaking words with ill intent i.e., divisive speech, lying, gossip, harsh speech, name-calling, belittling, and exclusion.
3. Kindheartedness
Showing respect and compassion for all living beings (creatures great and small).
Taking responsibility for helping others whenever possible.
Being mindful not to harm others.
4. Generosity
Practicing generosity and sharing our material belongings, our knowledge, our time and resources.
Not taking that which has not been offered or does not belong to you.
5. Tolerance
Practicing patience, respect, acceptance and forgiveness of differences
Not responding with anger, jealousy, pride or resentment
We offer a curriculum with an emphasis on academics and the creative arts.
Our open classroom style allows children to fully explore and pursue their special areas of interest. Tara Redwood School integrates:
- Mindfulness
- Stimulating mathematics and language curriculum
- Montessori Academics for Mathematics, Geography and Social Studies
- Creative arts
- Music program
- Ceramics
- Cooking
- Life lab with access to our own organic farm and garden
- Weekly excursions to the forest for 1.5 hours minimum
- Yoga
- Performing arts
- Cultural Studies
- Environmental Studies